Luke is 10 days old today! This has been the fastest 10 days of our lives and we have loved every minute. Luke has been eating and sleeping really well and has started to open his eyes more and more. He has gained over a pound since we left the hospital, so we are prayerful that he will continue to eat and rest well. We're still not sure what color his eyes actually are, but they appear to be very dark blue or dark hazel. He has mixed emotions on bath time, but is clearly against having his diaper changed. We have put a few little toys on the changing table that seem to capture his attention pretty well, so a little distraction seems to calm him down a little bit during that whole process.
We had a great weekend at home - on Friday, Aunt Kelly sent a very sweet lady to our house to clean for us and since my love language is cleanliness and organization, this was an awesome gift! It was so nice to go into the weekend with a very clean house. Kasey got a chance to head to Oak Mountain on Sunday morning and Luke and I took a great nap! Sunday night, Aunt Kelly, Uncle Jim, Aunt Betty, Uncle John, and GranT came over and brought Tazikis for us - I love how dinner just "appears" these days - a girl could get used to this :-)
Today, mommy and Luke flew solo for the first time. While I was convinced that everyone on the road was determined to hit us head-on, we survived our car ride to the drive-thru window at the bank and to The Preserve. Luke loves his stroller and loved walking around the Green at the Preserve - before anyone freaks out at my non-jacketed child in the photos below, it is almost 75 degrees here today and super sunny - warmth was definitely not an issue! It felt so good to get some fresh air and for me to get a little exercise. Here are a couple of pictures of our little outing - now it is time for lunch and a nap!
SO precious. Don't think I have said Congrats to you yet!! He is PERFECT! So jealous of just hearing the word Oak Mountain,makes me want to hop on plane to Bham right now!