Friday, July 27, 2012

He's Up!

These pictures are not the highest quality, as I took them with my phone, but they do a pretty good job of showing what's been going on around here this week! Luke is pulling up! He can't quite figure out how to get back down once he's up, but he has definitely mastered getting up onto things.

He also started clapping today - who knew? I was sitting at lunch with a friend and he just started clapping out of the blue! He is also babbling and likes to talk most in the car - I wish I knew what he was talking about! I also got his covertible car seat checked out at the fire station today and he is such a big boy in his new seat!

Here are a few pictures of all of the fun we've been having!

And a few of all of the trouble we've been getting into...

1 comment:

  1. There's an award for you on my blog if you want to participate!
