We had such a special weekend! Luke was dedicated at church on Sunday and it was such a meaningful time. My mom made his little outfit and he looked so precious. Gigi and Pappy, Betty and John, Gran, Aunt K and Uncle Jim all made the journey to share this day with us. There were only 6 babies dedicated during our service, which was a very small group (usually there are about 20 babies in each of the three services!). Our good friends Keith and Amy dedicated Anna Laura as well, so that made it extra special! Before the service, Luke fell asleep in the gym while we were waiting to go into church. I just knew that the child who never naps would sleep through the service! Luckily, he woke up just in time and was sweet for the dedication.
Afterwards, we put him in the nursery for the first time. I don't think I heard a word that our pastor said because I was so focused on our beeper (the nursery gives the parents beepers so that the nursery can contact the parents if there is any issue with the little ones!). I hope it will get easier each week, as it was very nice to be in church with Kasey. We have been alternating Sundays, so it was good to have all three Burlesons under one roof for worship!
After the service, we all went back to Gigi's for an amazing brunch. She made shrimp and grits, blackberry french toast, fruit salad, quiche, pecan and cinnamon rolls, biscuits, spanikopita, raspberry fizz, and mimosas...we were STUFFED. Luke was in a great mood and everyone had a wonderful time.
Daddy and Luke in the gym before the service. Luke LOVES this yellow dog - it crackles and rattles! |
Mommy and Luke before the service - Luke was out COLD! |
Bulletin |
Our preschool minister, Melanie Sanford and us as we waited our turn |
Our friends Amy and Keith and their children Tyler and Anna Laura - I LOVED Tyler's expression! He was making faces at his grandparents! |
The Burlesons - Luke was very focused :-) |
Proud Parents! |
Our Pastor, Buddy Gray |
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